Friday, May 8, 2009

Yay, we did it!

So finally my team -UNTITLED1- (that was our team name btw) - got an official title - THE BIGGEST LOSERS OF CLUB-O. We lost 4.69% body weight as a team. DH came in 5th with a loss of ~14% weight and I was somewhere in the top ten with ~10.05% loss. I lost 6.5% body fat and DH lost a whopping 8% body fat. This sure transformed our lives. It was a great feeling yesterday walking up that aisle and taking the prize and while everyone was really admiring us. We really did it as a team. Funny story about the team name. When we had to come up with a team name to register we all came up with a lot of ideas but none of us could agree with the other one. So I had the details of the team on a notepad file and when I was about to close it I got the prompt if I wanted to save UNTITLED1 and viola I made that as our team name. Turns out everyone thought that it was the best team name in the competition and also the funniest.